Can't do filebackups anymore (renaming file failed, storing into /media/xxx/xxx failed), Error opening file)

i have a problem, that every backup (files and image) sends me a email notification of fatal error.
it’s a very long mail but i don’t get the point.
i guess it has sth. to do with the filesystem (it’s xfs) but no file errors accured.
Logs look like this all the time: Protokoll: (DESKTOP-L8NALAV)

Level Zeit Nachricht
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Renaming file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/Eigene Dateien” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Storing file to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/Eigene Dateien” failed
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Renaming file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/Druckumgebung” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Storing file to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/Druckumgebung” failed
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Error opening file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/NTUSER.DAT{53b39e88-18c4-11ea-a811-000d3aa4692b}.TM.blf”
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Renaming file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/AppData/Local/Anwendungsdaten” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Storing file to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/AppData/Local/Anwendungsdaten” failed
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Error opening file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/NTUSER.DAT{53b39e88-18c4-11ea-a811-000d3aa4692b}.TMContainer00000000000000000001.regtrans-ms”
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Renaming file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/2” to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/NTUSER.DAT” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Renaming file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/2” to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/Startmenü” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Storing file to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/Startmenü” failed
Fehler 26.11.23 12:17 Renaming file “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/2” to “/media/DESKTOP-L8NALAV/231126-1216/C/Users/Default/NTUSER.DAT.LOG1” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)

other client:

Level Zeit Nachricht
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Renaming file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” to “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/.urbackupclientgui_startonce” failed -4. No such file or directory (code: 2)
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Storing file to “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/.urbackupclientgui_startonce” failed
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/2” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/AMD/CN/cnAnalytics.txt”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/NTUSER.DAT{1c2b59c6-c5f5-11eb-bacb-000d3a96488e}.TM.blf”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/1” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/NTUSER.DAT{1c2b59c6-c5f5-11eb-bacb-000d3a96488e}.TMContainer00000000000000000001.regtrans-ms”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/2” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/ntuser.dat.LOG1”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/3” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/AMD/CN/NewsFeed/94/NewsFeedImages/CN_LARGE_IMAGE_Privacy.jpg”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/2” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/ntuser.dat.LOG2”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/3” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/AMD/CN/NewsFeed/94/NewsFeedImages/CN_LARGE_IMAGE_Calisto.png”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/5” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/AMD/CN/NewsFeed/94/NewsFeedImages/CN_LARGE_IMAGE_AmbientNoise.png”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/40” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Adobe/AcroCef/DC/Acrobat/Cache/Code Cache/js/febb41df4ea2b63a_0”
Fehler 25.11.23 19:55 Error opening file “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/.b68xO+K9SCOF35cLk4Bf9Q/42” for reading file. File: temp_fn. No such file or directory (code: 2) Target path: “/media/Ola_HP/231125-1954/C/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Adobe/Acrobat/DC/AdobeSysFnt20.lst”

right now i am doing a chmod 777 to the backup directory now because it’s maybe a accessingproblem?
also i installed another instance os the server before i hope nothing messed up with that or did i have to start from scratch?

email from urbackup says: “Fatal error occurred during backup”

Also it have done a full filebackup in the night, but the database of UrBackup seems to not know it’s own backup:

can i rebuild the database without loosing any backups?
so the database scan the backup folder?
i tried “urbackupsrv remove-unknown” but it didn’t helped.
(urbackupsrv running in docker container, so it always starts the server maybe it has to be urbackupsrv stop but it doesn’t know this command, while running remove-unkown??)

also what i think happens: the backup is succesfully it’s only data that is not allowed to be shadowcopied by windows? because userdata an other stuff is in the backup.

why is it not shown in the backup screen (datasave)? (why urbackup sends me fatal errors, i also have checked finish backup even with hash/read errors)

i figured out, the docker container starts the urbackup server in an, and also it’s based on arch linux with top and htop functions in it.
so now i have killed the backupsrv process in top, and started the remove-unknown again.

i unluckily disconnected meanwhile and did not started it in a screen.
when do i know the process is finished (does it close itself after it’s finished)?
here is an actual screenshot from htop (question: can i remove-unkown give more threads because it would be nice to utulize more of my 2xCPU E5-2650 with 20C/40T?)

so i have done remove-unknown and still it’s not working, getting fatal error on file backups and not recognizing them in the menu… what now??? anybody???


since nobody response here, i deactivated file backups for now and do only image backups more often, as it seems like they work… i am kind of curious as it worked fine the last 2 years and now it’s not working anymore…
may i wait for the next update and hope it somehow get’s fixed…

Could you please tell us your enironment? (OS, Version)

I’m having the same problems here, running UrBackup Server 2.5.32 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
where the storage is mounted via NFS from a Synology NAS


could you please thell us, what is the prupose of this cryptic directories?

if over 5.000 files there.

i am on Unraid (Slackware) with xfs filesystem directly on usershare with all files on chmod 777 (nobody) and user nobody , the docker i run is a binhex docker for unraid, with arch linux
(GitHub - binhex/arch-urbackup: Docker build script for Arch Linux base with UrBackup).
docker running with following variables:

Thread as nobody:


Version(Linux)Kernel and Environment:

UrBackupServer Version 2.5.32 (clients downloaded from server and autoupdate client active)
Filesystem for Backups is xfs, as a mount in /mnt/user/backups (which spreads out over the array disks as needed, never was a problem in the past), but as i am writting this: i changed 2 weeks ago the docker container path to an zfs filesystem, is here a problem when container and config runs in zfs and /backup data in xfs?

supervisord.log (2.7 MB)
(removed email adresses in the log at the very end)
i am most concerned about that: 2023-11-28 16:08:31,979 DEBG ‘urbackup’ stdout output:
ERROR: Backup failed

2023-11-28 16:08:35,921 DEBG ‘urbackup’ stdout output:
WARNING: Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 1h 20m before next file backup

2023-11-28 16:14:47,064 DEBG ‘urbackup’ stdout output:
WARNING: SQLite: cannot open file at line 36982 of [3bfa9cc97d] errorcode: 14

2023-11-28 16:14:47,064 DEBG ‘urbackup’ stdout output:
WARNING: SQLite: os_unix.c:36982: (40) openDirectory(/var/urbackup) - errorcode: 14

i don’t know, maybe some windows/microsoft stuff here? i just wanted to save the C:\User* Folder which contains Documents, Photos, Desktop, AppData etc.
Those four are important to backup, also the Appdata Folder but there are some of the Cryptic files in there, i don’t care about them. But i don’t want to uncomment all of those when i want the AppData from the installed Apps/Programms.

or are they the hashes of the files on the server? may uroni can answer that.

Having the same server version 2.5.32

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good to know i am not the only one. at least then maybe i am not the one messed it up somehow. anyway there is more investigation needed.
is there a save way to downgrade to earlier version? may i should do urbackupdatabase backups before running new versions and deactivate auto update of the dockercontainer. would be a nice feature to have more backups then just the night before (autobackup with settings so you may have some options to save).
how can you access the sql database of urbackup ? i have a nice other docker container ( GitHub - tiredofit/docker-db-backup: Backup multiple database types on a scheduled basis with many customizable options) that stores my mysql databases and i can dumping, archive it as .gz .zip and set the time to clean archive after a time amount i want.

I believe I am having the same issue… File backups not working at all but image backups are ok. Quite a frustrating issue. Any way to work around this?

not yet. just doing more often incremental image backups which in case of disaster you can mount and get your files out of it. file backups deactivated for now.

do you have the same server version as we? 2.5.32?

I was mistaken, image backups were broken for me too, I actually have a separate issue. Either way I was able to solve my issue by deploying a fresh infscape appliance and disabling automatic updates. Very annoying though


I came across the same issue today. In my instance the problem occurred when I increased the number of worker threads for downloading files (in the settings menu → Advanced → Number of parallel threads downloading files per file backup). After setting this value back to 1 everything works normal.

Maybe there is some kind of race condition.

Thxs for the hint, i gonna try this.

one client was ok on the other still same result. that’s not what causing it at all.

After fighting with the same issue for about a month I managed to fix it by downgrading to from 2.5.33 to 2.5.31. The problem may also be related to the docker releases, because like a couple of other people in this thread I was using urbackup in docker on unraid, but in my case it was the uroni/urbackup-server image, not the binhex one.

I now moved to the binhex/urbackup image because the official image doesn’t list indivdual patch versions, so it’s not possible for me to roll back to an older patch version. I really suggest considering to listing patch versions as individual images in addition to the current 2.5.x and latest ones on dockerhub. Offering (exclusively) unstable images kind of defeats the purpose of having an immutable docker environment.