Restore MS SQL database does not work


I am testing urbackup client version 2.4.11 on MS windos 2012.

I have deleted the .mdf and .ldf file of my test database to be sure it is recovered from the backup.

I select “restore components” and check my test database, the log looks like this:

9-3-2021 16:37:58: Starting restore operation…
9-3-2021 16:37:58: Collecting information about running writers…
9-3-2021 16:37:59: Selecting components to restore…
9-3-2021 16:37:59: Starting restore operation (pre restore)…
9-3-2021 16:37:59: Restoring file set 0 of of component “DemoDB” of writer “SqlServerWriter” to “e:\SQLDATA”…
9-3-2021 16:38:01: Restoring file set 1 of of component “DemoDB” of writer “SqlServerWriter” to “e:\SQLDATA”…
9-3-2021 16:38:03: Restore of component “DemoDB” of writer “SqlServerWriter” finished.
9-3-2021 16:38:03: Finalizing restore operation (post restore)…
9-3-2021 16:38:03: Restore finished.

This looks OK, but the 2 files are not found. So nothing happend!!

When I look on the backup server, the 2 files are available (I can download them as a ZIP).

So this looks like a client restore problem.

Any ideas to fix this?


Sorry you are having issues. To solve the problem the client (debug) log would be useful.
If possible, could you post it or send it?

This post describes how to change the client to debug logging, where it is stored and where to send it to if posting is not possible: Having problems with UrBackup? Please read before posting


I see the bottom line of the debug.log is this:

2021-03-09 14:49:49: ERROR: Restore was declined by client

Strange, because the time doet not fit my restore attemp.

I cleared the debug file, did another test, but no lines where added to the debug.log file.
