Mount VHDZ in Windows

Hello, is it possible to mount the VHDZ image in windows? i have tried ImDisk but it wants me to format the disk and it takes so long to decompress a file.

Has anyone had any luck on this?

According to the documentation, you cannot mount a VHDZ directly, you have to decompress it first …


It can mount it but UrBackup needs to do it for you. I.e. go to the web interface and click on the “mount image” button after selecting the image backup.

since UrB can mount vhdz on windows by web-GUI,
I mean it can be possible mount vhdz as disk,
somewhat way like bat-file?
(web-gui is too restricted… I can’t count dirs stat for plan garbage filters, etc…)

Yes, I saw “no” in FAQ, but is it possible way?
May be, in future versions?

Well you could always create a bat file yourself, just open the uncompress_image.bat file and adjust the commands as you want?

“%~dp0\urbackup_srv.exe” --cmdline --no-server --plugin fsimageplugin.dll --decompress d:\backups\server\image.vhdz --output_fn C:\backups\unzipped\file.vhd

Or something like that?

It mounts it into a folder like C:\path\to\backup\contents. You can just browse there with other tools after you mounted it on the web interface.

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Hi, I have some problems with one of UrBsrv instances - one client copyes(images) always failed at last 99%,
so, I can see that’s vhdz locally, but not from webinterface, so, how to Urb mounts vhdz’s?
May be is it possible create script for local mounting, somewhat like uncompress_image.bat,
but - directly mount it to letter, without decompress big time and place requerements?
I see the way is possible, UrB knowhow is )

And I have one more idea for feature request - sometimes network restore is too slow,
is it possible mount replacement disk (as example sata hot-plug, etc USB3?), and locally restore it,
with full possible speed of local interfaces with only UrB/cpu speed limits?
Should I post it like new feature request, it will be interesting?

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i want to mount the VHDZ in Windows as well. I was looking for the bat file to decompress.
In the manual is written:
“If you want to mount the VHD files on Windows and they are compressed (file extension is VHDZ), you need to decompress them first. Use C:\Program Files\UrBackupServer\uncompress_image.bat for that.”
The bat file seems to be present on the Windows server version. I only installed the client version on my windows PC. The server is a Linuxbox. So where do I find the bat file?
Thanks for the hint.

Great Idea!