How to set up IPv4/IPv6 client backup to IPv6 server

As I sadly recognized just a moment ago, UrBackup is not capable of running an IPv6 only server (Does UrBackup offer ipv6 support?).

Imagine the following set up, how could I manage to get that work.

Server: Raspberry Pi behind a FritzBox router. The server has an IPv6 address and is accessible from the internet (ping works, port 55414 is not blocked). The server has a local IPv4 address, backing up local clients works flawlessly. The problem is, that the router has no public IPv4 address (CGN: carrier grade NAT).

Clients locally: no problem, as the server has a local IPv4 address

Clients over the internet: All clients have both, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, however that might change in the future.

So my question is: What do I need to set up to get this configuration running?

@uroni mentioned this:

Those question come to my mind:

  1. I forward IPv6 traffic directly on my server to IPv4. Which ports do I need? 55413, 55414 and 55415?
  2. Which IP address should I enter in “Settings - General - Server- Server URL” and “Settings - General - Internet - Internet server name/IP” ?
  3. How to set up the clients?

Did anybody tried this yet?
Thanks for your help!