Getting Error While Backup

  1. READ_ERROR (12)
  2. BASE_DIR_LOST (7)
  3. Deleting shadow copy failed.
  4. VSS error code VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND
  5. Client ERPSERVER went offline.
  6. TIMEOUT (2)

I have problem with Ur Backup & getting following types of error:

  1. READ_ERROR (12)
  2. BASE_DIR_LOST (7)
  3. Deleting shadow copy failed.
  4. VSS error code VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND
  5. Client went offline.
  6. TIMEOUT (2)

I am using Ur Backup 2.0.36 version for server & 2.0.34 for client. My system having Windows server 2008 R2 64 bit, service pack 1 OS.

Please Reply Someone, I need Help

I am no expert, but that does look like a shadow copy error.

Follow this post (the one I am posting), and send your log files to uroni with your post (meaning your post “Getting Error While Backup”) linked in the e-mail to him:

It also says the client went offline…
Looks like the client disconnected before the Shadow Copy could be removed to me.

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I already mail with log file to him