Files Backup security permissions ACL


I’ve tested a restore of a Files Backup but I’ve lost the files security permissions ACL.
How can I mantain the security permissions?

My best regards

Sorry you are having issues. To solve the problem the server and client (debug) log would be useful.
If possible, could you post it or send it?

This post describes how to change the client and server to debug logging, where it is stored and where to send it to if posting is not possible: Having problems with UrBackup? Please read before posting


Hello Martin Thanks for your answer. I’ll prepare the log.
Usually the files restore mantains original ACL ?

My best regards


the problem is when I download from the portal in zip file.
Is it right that ACL will lost?

My best regards

Yes, you’d need to restore via client.

While there is a “specification” for storing NT security descriptors into zip files and it would be feasible to add that, I kind of doubt that any zip extracting program handles those. If someone tests and posts about a commonly used zip extractor that handles those I am all ears.