ErrorCode=2 on File backups

Server - Ver 1.5 installed on Windows 8.1
Client - Ver 1.5 installed on Windows 7

Image backup and File backup both set. Image backup seems to work fine.
File backup stats indexing then returns ErrorCode=2 Unable to create Path \Users
When i look on the server the folder has been created but no files copied to the server.

Things tried:
Uninstalled/REinstalled (mulitple times)
Changed URBackup to run with administrative priviledges
Disabled Antivirus

Any ideas as to what might cause this or what to try?

Unless you are able to help with UrBackup development please stop using 1.5. You are probably using a 9 month old version of it.

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Ok – Could I help with development. I am willing to test out stuff if it helps any.


I’m going to create a thread once it is in a state where it isn’t obviously broken. You can watch the “Testing” category via the forum software to get notified of threads like this. Thanks!


Ok – I will keep an eye on the forums then. IT looks like a great program and you are doing an awesome job on it from what I can tell.
