Client not detected by server on local network

Hello everyone.
I have a urbackup server on ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I can acces to the webui but every time i want to add a client from local network, it is always offline even if urbackupclientbackend is running on the client machine (ubuntu server 22.04 LTS). I cannot made any backup. The client version is 2.5.24
Thanks in advance

I ran into the same thing recently in the Windows environment.

In my case, it was something related to the wireless access point for my LAN. It simply would not let the client and server establish initial contact. I worked around it by connecting both machines to an old WAP where they could establish contact, them moved them back to the “real” LAN where they could continue communication even though they could not establish it.

It is possible that the network is somehow blocking the usual polling and establishing of communication. Just a thought.

Thank you for your answer. I will look into your suggestion

Regarding the Windows client server connection (Windows client), I had a similar problem. It required me to turn ON SMB 1.0 in the Windows settings. This then allowed server to see the Win client by computer name. It is unclear to me if SMB 1.0 has to be active on the server machine.

A similar situation, my client windows machine had been doing file backups consistently. It also did an image backup a couple of times. Then it skipped a couple of image backups. Looking closer at the client, it would only connect via internet, not local. I had to restart the client urbackup (not the machine) to get it to reconnect via local.

Hope this may help.

That really shouldn’t “be it.” I’ve recently had to deal with turning on SMB 1.0 in a Windows 11 environment because, believe it or not, a Windows Server 2003 instance is still in the mix. Microsoft deprecated SMB 1.0 quite a while back, and I would expect a lot more traffic regarding issues with client-server connectivity (and people objecting, loudly, to using the grossly insecure SMB v 1.0 protocol) if it were required.

It would really help if “official guidance” were available for these scenarios. All of us seem to be grasping at proverbial straws and having to deal with weird workarounds more lately, and for a product like this one, that should not be the case.

are they in the same network segment?
Is there any firewall enabled? If yes, check if the ports 35621-35623 are enabled.
(See UrBackup - Server administration manual)

They are in the same network segment, and the ports 35621,35622 and 35623 are all enabled