we are having the same problem. We also used Samsung magician to clone an Intel SSD to a Samsung SSD.
The Windows event log isn’t showing anything related to this issue.
Does anyone have an idea how we can track down this issue?
thx for your response. We enabled debug logging on the client and tried to create an image. Attached is the debug.log of the client. debug1.log (3,3 KB)
We tried again with the Beta Version, but the issue remains the same. Here is the log after starting a Backup:
2018-07-11 14:50:31: ERROR: Reading from device at position 272629760 failed. OS returned only 0 bytes +ERROR_HANDLE_EOF
2018-07-11 14:50:31: ERROR: Error while reading from shadow copy device (1).
2018-07-11 14:50:31: ERROR: Pipe broken -4
I’m using dattobd as snapshot mechanism and did a lot of debugging today…
I’m not really sure whats going on but I discovered two things that don’t seem right:
The .datto… file in /boot/efi disappears shortly after the snapshot creation has finished. I haven’t found out what is causing this, it is not deleted within the (default) dattobd snapshot create script but it must happen later.
dattobd shows me an error -27 (file too big) in /proc/datto-info shortly after the snapshop has been created. I also could not find out what operation is causing this.
Whats notable in addition to that is that I recently upgraded to ubuntu 22.04 LTS and don’t have a long experience regarding the stability of dattobd with the new kernel. So there might also be a problem in the dattobd package…