1.4.7 Windows errorcode: 87


One of the Client Computers just wont do the backup :smile:

I get following error

Error while getting files in folder “\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy8\MMI\JobLog\20140927-110350\JobSicherung”. Windows errorcode: 87. Access to root directory is gone too. Shadow copy was probably deleted while indexing.

Constructing of filelist of “SortJet-PC” failed: error - index error

Backup had errors. Deleting partial backup.

I tried again to backup error again, but at another spot

Error while getting files in folder “\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy9\MMI\Antriebsdaten\SEW\207_80U02_Rieme2”. Windows errorcode: 87. Access to root directory is gone too. Shadow copy was probably deleted while indexing.

Thank you

Created a FAQ entry: http://www.urbackup.org/faq.html#base_dir_lost

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