XP 64 BITS Urbackup client not working well

Hi Martin,

i ve got 2 XP 64 BITS Machines in 2 separated sites which can’t connect to the server, therefore, i get the message “there is nothing to backup, the server cannot be reached” … or something like that
And i cannot access the menu to add directories in my backup plan.

Do you have an idea how to solve it ?

Have you looked at any of the logs?

Can you verify that it uses the plugin “urbackup_server03.dll” in C:\Program files\UrBackup\args.txt and not “urbackup.dll” ?

Have the same problem on XP 64, it uses urbackup.dll

Can you rename urbackup.dll to urbackup_server03.dll and check if it works? (I don’t have a XP 64bit VM…)

Hi Martin,

It seems to work now, with your advice … but the debug files says

2013-12-11 09:10:59: WARNING: Upgrading…
2013-12-11 09:10:59: ERROR: Error preparing Query [SELECT tvalue FROM misc WHERE tkey=‘db_version’]: no such table: misc

Ok, thanks, then I’ll add that to the installer.