UrBackup client 1.5 will have a Mac OS X version. This is a preview of this client. The UrBackup 1.5 client is compatible with previous UrBackup server versions.
What I already know is not working:
Max OS X uses symlinks heavily and the client follows them. This can only be fixed in connection with Server 1.5.
Resource forks etc. aren’t backuped currently. Will be added with 1.5 as well.
This is great news. I am on 10.10.4 but don’t have WxWidgets installed. The app installed (I can see it in the UrBackup server listing). But I can’t find where to configure the backup directory (it isn’t in /etc/urbackup) - so far. Any pointers on how to configure headless?
What’s the current status on this? For some reason, I can’t download the file from SourceForge - it just keeps on redirecting me back to the main page.
Mac OSX testing. (Kudos on V2 so far. like the UI and added features).
We found that the OSX client on Yosemite works well to a local 1.4.13 server. Installation was easy w/ sh command. Tried to uninstall and found a reboot was necessary to properly install a second time.
As far as OSX client to an Internet based 2.0.5 server, we were unsuccessful in getting it to connect. We get an authentication error. We used both FQDN and IP address (on a dedicated IP) - and the password located in the Internet tab. It give an error and does NOT save the client settings for server name - the name, pw and check box are blank. Ideas?
I just installed the server 2.1.19 in a jail on a freenas server (so, freebsd) and the server seems to be up & running. I can access the web ui, I have storage configured etc. Then I installed the macos client and got it to connect to the server, at least in so far as there is a line on the server status page that says “Brians-MacBook-Air.local No 08/25/17 12:40 Never Never No recent backup Not supported”
But I haven’t been able to get the client to actually back anything up at all. I added a single path /Users/bkw, and if I hit “full file backup” button, then status will say “Indexing” for a minute or so, and then “Idle”. Nothing actually happens. It doesn’t back up anything, and it also doesn’t say “Hey, we didn’t back anything up. Don’t rest easy thinking we’re on the job chugging away at it or anything…” The log shows it tried to access files elsewhere in the fs and had no permission to access those files so it just quit? Instead of just skipping files it can’t back up and getting whatever else it could? How could I ever trust a backup program that aborts that easily?
Today I’m trying again in a different environment (I’m away from home, but I have an openvpn link up, and I can access all my home machines the same as if I’m home. Iam looking right at the webui for the urbackup jail right now, but the client isn’t connecting at all now. I tried turning on the “internet” mode just to see if it does anything different, and because I absolutely know the ip and port are reachable. so, this one maybe ignore for now because obviously I’m compounding factors by trying to get something to work over vpn that doesn’t even work on the lan yet)
Backing up /dev will not work.
Actually a few other folders dont make any sense to backed up.
Please try to backup only /home for a start.
The lan means available via udp broadcast.
The internet is sightly different. Easiest to get it working is to install the preconfigured client you get from the urbackup interface.