Hi. I tested Urbackup 1.4 RC5 Server and 1.4 RC3 Client on four stations Windows XP SP3 OS. I have a problem with creating a backup image to a client with Windows XP. All clients write on log:
Pipe to client unexpectedly closed has_error=false
Two clients on Winodws 7 and one client on Server 2012R2 create images with no errors.
Today i’m update Server and Clients stations to final version 1.4 but my problem not solved.
Typical log from problem PC:
01.09.14 12:33 DEBUG Backing up SYSVOL…
01.09.14 12:33 INFO Request of SYSVOL failed. Reason: Opening filesystem on device failed. Stopping… This probably just means the Computer does not have a “System restore” volume which UrBackup can backup.
01.09.14 12:33 INFO Transferred 143 bytes - Average speed: 1.144 MBit/s
01.09.14 12:33 DEBUG Backing up SYSVOL done.
01.09.14 12:39 ERROR Pipe to client unexpectedly closed has_error=false
After a few days, a few workstations to Windows XP was able to create an image. During this time I have added to the test a couple of stations on Windows XP - they have exactly the same problem with the creation of the image. Another new machine on Windows 8.1 without problems created image.
Please, can someone tell me how to solve the problem with the workstations to Windows XP? Did no one else encountered this problem? I love this product, I found it almost everything that I need to back up, but this problem does not allow me to introduce him to the work of the enterprise.
The problem was my server at HyperV. For some reason, lost from the network for a few seconds. Respectively create the image on Windows 7 and 8 it does not prevent, and for Windows XP is a problem because of these restrictions. Installing UrbackupServer on a physical server and create an image with the XP workstations without problems. Thanks for help in finding a solution to the problem.