Windows Server install

Installed on Windows XP Pro.
Server service is started.
Web Page is accessible via http://computer.domain.local:55414. . however, after the banner loads showing the UrBackup logo and version, there is simply a message of loading and an animated gif. Nothing else happens. Is there some requirement that maybe I am not meeting?


Sorry. My fault, forgot to remove a dependency that is only present on Windows versions later then XP.

Here is a new installer:

Thank you for that. I now have a different problem.

I attempted installing over top of the old one, did not resolve issue, so I un-installed, and then re-installed using the un-installer from the menu, not Windows Add/Remove.

Now the service will not start (using services MMC snap-in). I did check the path to the executable, but the executable just flashes and goes away when I attempt to run it manually.

I suspect there may be something from the old version in the registry that the new version may be confused about.

Any ideas?

Normally these service starting issues after installation/deinstallation resolve themselves after restarting. I do not think that is the problem here though. That it won’t start if you click on it is normal as well (Has to run as a service).

You can try deleting pychart.dll in the Backup Server folder. Mabe something there is causing the startup failures. I just tested it in XP Pro though :(.

You can also exchange the ‘warn’ in args.txt to ‘debug’ and post the contents of debug.log after you tried to start the service.

I have un-installed again, went through the registry by hand and removed all references and then re-installed. I have the same issue. I tried rebooting the box and it made no difference. I tried changing the mode to DEBUG from WARN, and that made no difference. I renamed PYCHART.DLL to PYCHART.DLL.OLD and the service started. I was finally able to get into the web interface and got the following message:
The directory where UrBackup will save backups is inaccessible. Please fix that by modifying this folder in ‘Settings’ or by giving UrBackup rights to access this directory.
I will update that and then try renaming the PYCHART.DLL and restarting the service.


with PYCHART.DLL in the directory, the service will not start.

Is there some loading of Python that I can do to “fix” this?

I’ve updated it again:
As I can’t reproduce the problem I can’t promise anything.

The pychart.dll is needed for displaying two graphs in the webinterface. Everything still works if you delete it you just won’t be able to see these two graphs. Next week I’ll have more computers to test on and maybe one of them exibits the same behaviour as yours.

I shut down the service, installed over itself and restarted the service.
There was an initial JS error, which I told it to ignore.
The Service did start, and I was able to stop and start it without recurrence of the JS error.

note: stopping the service seems to timeout waiting for the service to report that it has stopped. I have told it to move on and immediately re-started the service and it starts without issue indicating that the service really is stopped, but it is the reporting back to the services.msc utility that seems to be neglected.

This seems to have solved my problem :)

Thanks, and I’ll keep hammering it :)