Windows server and network backup storage path error

Hello. Please help.

I have urBackup server installation on OS Win Server 2012 R2. I am trying to back up to a network storage device to Synology (\ IPAddress \ backup or maped drive X:\backup). When you enter a path Backup storage path message appears:

The directory where UrBackup will save backups is inaccessible. Please fix that by modifying this folder in ‘Settings’ or by giving UrBackup rights to access this directory.(err_folder_not_found)

Local Store folder works fine.
Network drive is fully accessible (SYSTEM, Everyone, Users, …)
Does not work either Windows shared folder.

At the forum I have not found a solution :frowning:

thank you for your answer

Does the folder you are trying to backup to already exist?
The error you reported could be caused either by a permission problem or a nonexistent destination folder.

Yes, folder exist. In the folder are set permissions, including full access to everyone. From the windows server is folder available for backups

Did you have look at this FAQ entry?

I’m sorry, I completely missed this . Of course, it solves my problem .