Wildcard directory/file exclusion does not work: "Error while listing files in folder "/var/lib/lxcfs" "

I am trying to backup a Proxmox main server root directory

Server settings for this specific client:
Excluded files (with wildcards): /rpool/*;/mnt/proxmox-hostname/*;/tmp/*;/var/lib/lxcfs/*;/mnt/data/*
Default directories to backup: / (root directory)

I get a log error: “Error while listing files in folder “/var/lib/lxcfs”. User may not have permissions to access this folder. Errno is 0” and “Indexing files failed, because of error” the backup fails completely.

I have tested : /var/lib/lxcfs/*; */lxcfs/*;

I can not make it work. It seems always failing during file indexing (~1 to 3 seconds from start) no matter what i wild cards combo i have used

Any suggestions??

If i select single directory, (i.e. /etc) i can backup. The issues is with indexing the files in the lxc container. It will be great to “Exclude directory” , rather than files

Thank you

did you ever get a resolution for this? I’m having the same problem.

how to replicate:
$mkdir /home/user/somedir
$sshfs remoteuser@host:/path somedir

$sudo su
#ls somedir

the ls somedir should error out as root doesn’t have access

(I want to exclude this sshfs mounted folder from the backups)

I have tried various permutations of /home/user/somedir with and without wildcards and semicolons in the exclude, but it keeps trying (and failing) when it hits this folder

It errors out with:
Error while listing files in folder “/home/user”. User may not have permissions to access this folder. Errno is 0