Where are the "symbolically linked views" stored on the server?

Hi, the manual sections 8.1 and 9.2 mentioned about SAMBA, FTP and WebDAV to access the backed up data, and they would use the symbolically linked views, so i assume this is a directory structure that’s created? which is this structure and how is it designed?

I’m questioning the same. Specially since samba now exposes the ZFS snapshots as “shadow copies” of the files.

Meaning that if we can access the file backups on a samba share via windows explorer, we should be able to restore the files via the windows “previous versions” feature.

That would be so much user friendly than the webinterface.

I don’t think that would be more user-friendly. How would windows system software work with urbackup’s way of doing things?

And the samba server may lock files that the urbackup server wants to look at - so I doubt its a good idea.

I think this is a good idea. Going to take look at this. Problem is those symbolically linked views are expensive to create (depending on file/folder permissions), so maybe some permission overlay for this is needed anyway.

@uroni do you happen to know where are these “symbolically linked views” saved?

I would like to explore that folder and see what i can do with it.

From the source code, it looks like it creates a “user_views” folder in the backup path of the server:
std::string user_view_home_path = backuppath + os_file_sep() + “user_views” + os_file_sep() + accoutname;

@ErikS Thank you so much for the suggestion. I don’t get many responses in this forum.

I installed UrBackup in a Jail of TrueNAS Core (I know, i need to migrate to scale but i’ve been busy) and UrBackup makes ZFS snapshots for every backup it does.

Those snapshots are not available to TrueNAS as UrBackup takes full ownership of them. That is why i cannot tell TrueNAS to make a “share” out of the backup folder that UrBackup is using.

Nevertheless, i checked the trueNAS UI and it does not seem to create any “user_views” folder. See Below:

So, i guess the question is still open.