When to choose UrBackup vs Infscape UrBackup Appliance

We currently have deployed a few UrBackup instances that backup mostly our databases and some other applications that we host on our servers. We now want to have more redundancy, so we are trying to clone the backups to S3 storage. I have recently found out that Infscape UrBackup Appliance exists and it seems to be able to backup to S3. I am a little bit confused on what would be the best practice, keep UrBackup and just rclone to S3 or should we change to the Appliance? Besides that, is there a general guide on when to use which, is there some sort of comparison?

It would be nice to have some sort of information regarding this.

I just right now after searching online wtf infoscape is, learned that the forum does not show all parts if viewing “all categories”. I wonder where those 18000+ posts are that are mentioned on the infoscape homepage. :open_mouth:

There is apparently a part of the forum you probably should post in instead because THIS part of the forum rarely gets any help from other than users.

Yes, it basically includes a storage gateway to S3. Another big feature is replication. There is a list of features on the page. And it isn’t Open Source.

You can accomplish the same via Free software (I wouldn’t use rclone but e.g. S3Backer).