What does "Metadata was inconsistent" mean?

02/03/18 19:38 INFO Saving file metadata…
02/03/18 19:39 DEBUG Saved metadata of 131254 files and directories. 67% done…
02/03/18 19:40 WARNING Not all folder metadata could be applied. Metadata was inconsistent.
02/03/18 19:40 INFO Writing new file list…
02/03/18 19:40 INFO All metadata was present
02/03/18 19:40 DEBUG Syncing file system…
02/03/18 19:40 INFO Transferred 143.939 GB - Average speed: 78.1038 MBit/s
02/03/18 19:40 DEBUG Script does not exist urbackup/post_full_filebackup
02/03/18 19:40 INFO Backup completed with issues

What does it mean?
Is it because VSS failed?
Should I be worried about it?

Can’t help this specific error, but no backup should be trusted till you’ve tested it.

Throw the backup into a VM and test it. Hyper-v, Virtualbox etc. and see if it’s working.

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