UrBackup VHD Assembly Issues

We have UrBackup set up in our office and we are testing the operating systems that we can use to boot from an assembled VHD grabbed by UrBackup.

The assembly of the VHD goes great. When trying to boot from the hard drive using VirtualBox the boot is unsuccessful every time, with different kinds of operating systems as well.

Operating Systems tried:
Windows 8.1 (64 bit)
Windows 7 (64 &32 bit)
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2003

  • Windows 7 & Vista error states a hardware change or BSOD
  • Windows 8.1 boots to black screen with no cursor

Fixes attempted:

  • Restore disk for all operating systems
  • Rebuilding of MBR with 3rd party software
  • Tinkering with settings within Virtualbox
  • Booting the VHD with another virtual player (VMWare, unsuccessful).
  • Using Disk2Vhd on target machine and trying to boot that image in VirtualBox (as well as VMWare Player, both unsuccessful)
  • Trying to boot with the VHD created and assembled by UrBackup, VMWare doesn’t see it as a supported medium.
  • Assembling the image with the C drive only.

What is frustrating is in the early stages of trying to create a VHD with UrBackup, I have been successful in booting. I did not assemble the image; I mounted the C drive only in VirtualBox and injected the MBR using Lazesoft or the Recovery Disc for that specific OS. This isn’t always successful but I have had success with that method before.

Any advice on getting the VHD’s created and assembled by UrBackup to boot more regularly? Anything that I could do settings wise? Assembly-wise?

Windows Hardware Issue

BSOD Error