UrBackup server on Debian Squeeze


I’m trying to install the UrBackup server on OpenMediaVault, which is based on Debian 6.0/Squeeze (oldstable right now). Installing the stable version (

) works (also the web interface) but I can’t find these dependencies:


So I tried to compile it from sources (for the first time in my life :D) hoping that would work according to this guide:
All went well: it installed and started, but when I try to reach the web interface I just get to see this plain text:
Sorry. File not found.

What did I do wrong?
Please help me here :)


Is the package completely removed? Specifically with

apt-get remove urbackup-server --purge

/var/urbackup should not exist anymore after that, otherwise the wrapper script will use this folder and not /usr/local/var/urbackup

Thanks uroni! That folder was the culprit!