UrBackup Server 2.0.31 RC/Client 2.0.30 RC

Looks like a big endian issue. I can guess where it is and what the fix is. Should be fixed with 2.0.32.

Thanks for your feedback. Looking forward to 2.0.32 update

Good morning everyone,

The server upgrade procedure in serious linux the next, right?

service urbackupsrv stop
wget downloaded the new version
dpkg -i .deb
cd /var/urbackup && wget -r -l1 --no-parent --reject "index.html
" -nH -nd -N https://www.urbackup.org/downloads/Client/2.0.30/updat
service urbackupsrv start

Not if I’ll be mistaken in some way.

Thank you for your help and a huge job.

Confirm that was fixed on 2.0.32