- Tested on RS810RP+ DSM 5.2 may work on others.
- Do not type the "s in the instructions, everything is case-sensitive.
- NAS needs to have access to the internet.
- My first post, be gentle
- Links had to be space separated due to a 2 link limitation - delete the spaces
Install SynoCommunity Repo
From https://synocommunity.com/#open-source -
Step 1
Log into your NAS as administrator and go to Main Menu → Package Center → Settings and set Trust Level to Synology Inc. and trusted publishers.
Step 2
In the Package Sources tab, click Add, type SynoCommunity as Name and http://packages.synocommunity.com/ as Location and then press OK to validate.
Step 3
Go back to the Package Center and enjoy SynoCommunity’s packages in the Community tab."
##UrBackup install
Step 4
Install “Debian chroot”
In “Package Center”>“Community” find “Debian chroot” and click “Install”.
Step 5
Optional - Install “Midnight Commander” in “Package Center”>“Community”
(Recommended to make the some of the next steps easier unless, you know “vi”)
Step 6
Enable SSH
In “Control Panel”>“Terminal & SNMP” check “Enable SSH Service” take note of the “Port” number
Step 7
Use Putty or other SSH client and connect to your NAS (IP and Port number you noted in step 5)
You will be prompted to “login as:” type “root” then your NAS admin password e.g. “P$$w0rd” you should now be at a “NameOfYourNAS>” prompt.
Step 9
Determine your mount point for your NAS storage volume
At the “NameOfYourNAS>” prompt type “mount” look for /dev/md2 (or other number) on /volume1 (or other name/number) note the text after “on” e.g. “/volume1”.
Step 8
Switch to Debian and update and create the mount point for the volume
At the “NameOfYourNAS>” prompt type “/var/packages/debian-chroot/scripts/start-stop-status chroot”. Prompt should change to “root@NameOfYourNAS:/#”. To upgrade Debian type “apt-get update && apt-get upgrade” answer yes to any prompts. Create a mount point, type “mkdir /media/volume1” (use the storage volume name/number you found in step 7 in place of volume1) note the mount point (e.g. “/media/volume1”) for later. Type “exit”
Step 10 (The hard part)
Add the volume mount to Debian
At the “NameOfYourNAS>” type “mc” you should now be in “Midnight Commander” type “cd /var/packages/debian-chroot/scripts/” use the arrow keys and highlight or click on “*start-stop-status” Press “F4” key on your keyboard or click “4Edit” on the bottom of the mc window. The file should open in an editor. Find the “start_daemon ()” section and the “grep -q …” lines. After the last “grep -q…” line add another - "grep -q “${CHROOTTARGET}/media/volume1 " /proc/mounts || mount -o bind /volume1 $CHROOTTARGET}/media/volume1”
(replace volume1 with the volume name number you noted) press “F10” (by default putty does not let you press “F10”) or click “10Quit”. Click or select “Yes” to save and close the file. Type “exit”.
Step 11
Switch back to Debian and install UrBackup and dependencies
At the “NameOfYourNAS>” prompt type “/var/packages/debian-chroot/scripts/start-stop-status chroot”. At the “root@NameOfYourNAS:/#” prompt type “mkdir Downloads” then “cd Downloads”. Type wget https://hndl.urbackup.org/Server/2.1.19/debian/stable/urbackup-server_2.1.19_amd64.deb
(version number will change in the future). After the file downloads type dpkg -i urbackup-server_2.1.19_amd64.deb
(version number will change in the future). Ignore the errors. Type apt-get -f install
this will install the dependencies and configure UrBackup. When prompted enter the mount point from step 8. UrBackup web interface should now be available on Name-or-IP-of-Your-NAS:55414.
Type “exit” twice to close the Debian and Synology sessions.
Step 12
Adding UrBackup service to “Debian chroot gui” so it will auto-start and be available to stop if needed.
In your NAS DSM click the menu / “start” button and select “Debian chroot”>“Services”>“Add”. Fill in as follows:
Name: UrBackup
Launch Script: /etc/init.d/urbackupsrv
Status Command: /etc/init.d/urbackupsrv status
Click OK
Step 13
Test the service
Click “Stop” and see if status column changes to “stopped” and the UrBackup web interface no longer loads.
Click “Start” and see if the status changes to “started” and the UrBackup web interface loads
Install is all done!
Information for this install gathered and modified from multiple websites. Thanks to all!! -
and of course BIG thanks to urbackup.org!