UrBackup Issues

We recently deployed UrBackup Windows server and 3 Windows 10 clients, and ran full file backups against all three, which ran successfully. Since then, one of the three has successfully ran incremental backups, while 2 of them keep failing. The error is the ‘error getting file’ that is addressed in the FAQ, but unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be related to the VSS issues discussed there. Searching through the logs on the client doesn’t yield any VSS errors, but I do see a CAPI2 event id 513 errors. I can confirm the error happens every time I manually start the backup job, either full or incremental (plus it happens during the scheduled backups). I’ve found the following technet article on those errors : https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/156d3b56-0863-47fb-851f-82ea78a7cff2/error-source-capi2-id-513-cryptographic-services-failed-while-processing-the-onidentity-call-in?forum=w8itprogeneral

I’ve turned on debug on the server and manually triggered an incremental job, and have also ran the debug logs on one of the clients, I will be emailing them to bugreports@urbackup.org

My supervisor was curious if there was a paid support option for this product, as we do like the product and would be more than happy to pay for a support contract for priority service.

I guess I should clarify - the VSS issues addressed in the FAQ deal with insufficient disk space for VSS. This appears to be permissions related for the VSS service. These devices have vendor specific patches that disable Windows Update and I am afraid the lack of permissions to VSS for nt authority\service are related to the vendor patch keeping Windows Update from breaking their product. Since we are only doing file level backups, is there a way to do this without VSS or can we run the VSS options as a user created account that we grant permissions to?

All UrBackup sees is that the shadow copy suddenly vanishes during backup. Usually this is because it runs out of shadow storage space and has to delete the shadow copy. Could be something else, though.

Please take a more detailed look at the event log (also application event log) at the time the error occurs.

I’ve already provided the event logs - CAPI2 event id 513. This appears to be caused by lack of permissions to specific windows system folders by the nt\services account. I’ve validated it is absolutely NOT a space issue, shadow storage has plenty of space and the drive itself has plenty of space. Is there any way NOT to use VSS for strictly file backups?

As I mentioned, 1 of my 3 clients is still working fine. I’ve reviewed the VSS settings on it and compared it to the two that stopped working and I cannot see any differences. Any thoughts/suggestions? The event log error specifically has the following details for the VSS failure:

Cryptographic Services failed while processing the OnIdentity() call in the System Writer Object.

AddLegacyDriverFiles: Unable to back up image of binary Microsoft Link-Layer Discovery Protocol.

System Error:
Access is denied.