Hy, Urbackup is not registered with version number in windows clients - so we can’t find out which version is installed via software management system.
Can you tune something there - this would be nice.
If the notray version isn’t controled by server -it was also helpfull if the version number + noclient info is saved into add/remove control panel.
Could you have a look in the web interface and see what version you are running? I am on 1.4.7 and it shows the version number in ‘Programs and Features’ as would be expected.
In web interface there is a version number - but i need the version number in Add/remove applet from windows - because in my software deplyoment solution i can search for specific software and manage the updates form there.
Please have a look at Adobe Reader software - this software tells many details in system control panel.
Language - 32 or 64 bit and so forth.
95 % of all packages have a version number in name and/or version field - but urbackup did not -
I also updated every client to version 1.48 - but it takes some hors or days to show up in the webinterface - even if i forced a backup the version number in Webinterface shows me 1.4.7 i am sure that after a while the version number is correct after a while.
So the version number in the intended field is very helpful.
Kind regards