Urbackup configure client in Ubuntu without visual interface

I am not getting set configuration because the version of linux ubuntu installed where the customer has no visual interface and need to make the client configuration urbackup through the console.

I wonder how to proceed to configure the Urbackup client on linux without graphical interface, making the whole process directly in the linux command prompt.

Already installed everything, I need only tell the folders to backup and IP information of Urbackup server.

Have you tried using the Web Interface to make the needed changes?

We also have this problem. We need to configure urbackup client on a ubuntu server without GUI to backup in internet mode.

There urbackup web interface in linux client?

Can you explain how to access this interface in the web client linux urbackup?

I am searching for a solution, if I find I say.

If you can do urbackup client running on Linux, put the solution.


I manually created settings.cfg in /usr/local/var/urbackup/data and restarted the deamon and now it is connecting to the server over internet. Waiting for the first full file backup now.

I’ve put the instructions up here https://urbackup.atlassian.net/wiki/display/US/Headless+Linux+client+setup

Please use the 1.3.1 Linux client, as there is a serious bug in the 1.3 one.

Just wondering when the 1.3.1 versions of the linux server and client will become available. Tonight there is only one link for the 1.3.0 server release.

Awesome software btw. Thanks!

Sorry I meant 1.2.1 and 1.2 not 1.3, though you can use 1.3 as well.