I want to test urbackup 2.5. Here is my config: Server: Ubuntu 20.04LTS, urbackup-server ver. 2.5.18beta, no firewall, client: Windows 10Pro, urbackup-client 2.5.14beta.
I want to change the listening port. In normal mode (port 55415) internet client can comunicate with the server (file backup is ok).
When I want to change the port (ex: 5001), client says: Server unreachable, like in the picture.
No luck
On the server only these values are acceptable:
urbackup://ip:5001 or urbackup://ip/5001
for other values the server says: "the internet server name should be a host name or IP "
In this case it’s working!!!
This means, that i must open 2 ports on the server: 5001 and 55415? Or i missed something.
Sorry for the stupid basic question.