Urbackup 1.4.10 Server Database problem

Dear Uroni ,

I have here a Server with a bit more users (50) . The database is right now 4945MB big . And it is very very slow via the webinterface.

I wanted to run a database vacuum on it. with SQLITE3 backup_server.db

And then I type .tables , I get an error that the file is encrypted or not a database file.

I tried the same on the older 1.4.9 Server there it works.

Is this normal ?

I did not change anything on this front with 1.4.10.

Thank you, I disabled backups for a complete day on the Server. It took it 10 hours to finish the cleanup . I guess the Core 2 Duo is not fast enough for a 4.5GB SQLite database. I have cpu usage 1.2 1.3 sometimes…

See here for tuning: http://blog.urbackup.org/177/performance-considerations-for-larger-urbackup-server-instances

Performance should be improved with the next major version.


I have put in a SSD disk , moved the Contents of /var/urbackup to it … databases , it is a lot faster now :smile:

Thank you.