Upgrading server on Centos

We are running Centos (6 and 7 variants) and running UrBackup 1.4.4. Works great and thanks for all the work put into it. I see that 1.4.5 server is available. Is there an upgrade procedure out there? Specifically, I’m looking for steps like “stop UrBackup, backup all the .xyz files in /usr/local/var/urbackup along with the .db files”, compile and install 1.4.5, copy back .xyz and .db files and start UrBackup". Thanks for any insight.

Just make install the new version. If you want to rollback to the previous version you should make a backup (or snapshot) of the database. UrBackup does a nightly backup on its own. I’ll add a section for that to the manual.

Perfect :smile: 5 minutes worth of work and all looks good. Wish all my upgrades were so simple. Thanks!