Unable to delete?

I am now getting this message in the web interface:
There is currently not enough free space in the backup folder. UrBackup tried to delete old image and file backups but is now not allowed to delete more. Please change the settings to store less backups or increase the storage amount to allow UrBackup to continue to perform backups

go to setting, file backup and setting image backup , lower max number of inc and full (i think default max is 100)

archives aren t limited by this setting , so if you use archive a lot to keep daily/weekly/monthly , then set max number to a very low number like 1-5 so amnual backup still works fine.

Then stop service and run urbackup remove-unknown , via script or server process ( search forums/doc for this)

Are the archives compressed?

No, it s a different way to set up backup retention.
Instead of keep n backup; the archive logic is keep n days

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You’ll want to change the minimum, not the maximum number of copies. Minimum says if space is low, do not delete any of the most recent NN copies for this client. Maximum says even if there is plenty of free space on disk, don’t keep more than NN backups.

If you’re low on space, set the minimums all to one. UrBackup will still keep all the backups there is room for. Don’t forget any groups you defined, or clients that have separate settings marked with * in the Clients drop down. You need to do those individually.