Unable to connect Client to Server after New Server setup


I have tried just about everything I can search and read and have not found an answer to this issue.

Here’s the scenario:

  1. We had an old server that we repurposed for UR Backup
  2. We setup 2 clients and started capturing images perfectly. (thank you btw, this product is very convenient)
  3. When we were about 90% done, my boss decided that the server was too old to continue to use, so he picked up a new server and wiped the old one.
  4. So we proceeded to setup the new server with UR Backup.
  5. We made two clients to capture (the same machines form before).
  6. Now the backups fail to even start.


  1. Client has access to the server and status is connected to internet server
  2. Debug log from server when we go to run the backup attempt shows “unknown client : XoX” (XoX being the name of the old client from the previous setup)


  1. I first confirmed the Client computername and authkey matched the settings in the new server
  2. On the client, I added the line my server and its fingerprint and restarted both ends - same
  3. I backed up the server key files and the client ident files, and deleted them on both ends and restarted both ends - still same issue
  4. I completely reinstalled the client and wiped all the temp files, and then updated the client ident file - still same
  5. I unpacked the databases to confirm clients, etc - no sign of the original client name
  6. I deleted all the clients and deleted the server, and started over fresh, still same issue.

The logs seem to suggest that the old client name is still being relayed somewhere either from the client side or the server side, im not sure. I figured the server fingerprint matching would do the trick, but it did not. I also followed all instructions for “if you did not backup and migrate your server keys…your options are…” and still have the same issue.

How can I just start over fresh and remove any specific device identifiers from the client and server side before reinstalling a fresh setup again like it was the first time the client connected to a server?

Serverdebugurbackup3.log (29.3 KB)
ClientRDdebug.log (324.4 KB)

I just finished restoring this yesterday, as I had the same problem as you. What worked really well was, to run the Uninstall program on the client, then do a Manually Add Client on the server, and Download Setup File from that page.

When I would do a generic install, the same thing you described was happening. But when I downloaded the setup file from the server page, that’s when it installed properly. But, it had to be done after the old client had been removed.