Tried to set the Internet / Active client speed settings get error on anything i put in

Server v2.5.32 (Running directly on QNAP NAS)
Settings > Internet / Active Clients > Max backup speed as Internet/active client: (Kbits/s)

Ive tried a number (200) and a percentage (50%) and both gets a page error “Format for max backup speed for internet connection wrong, Please correct” The box below that “Total max backup speed for Internet/active connection:” will take a percentage, however whats the difference exactly? Ive read the manual, however considering i cant get the main box to take anything looks like the manual isnt working for this.

Read it, doesnt work (as mentioned in the original post), not sure how you are indicating this link is a fix?

I tried setting 200, and it succeeded in all fields.
I tried setting 50% and it succeeded in “total max” and failed in “max”.


  • Setting a raw number works in all fields (local and internet).
  • Setting a percentage is supported only in the “total max” field (internet).

I don’t know why setting a raw number did not work for you. Maybe try setting them one by one to isolate the error.