Toolchains for building the client installer

Hello! is referencing about 4 different toolchains for bullding the Linux version of the client. Unfortunately seems to be down and there is no way to download any of the binary releases.
The android ndk r20 is downloadable albeit it’s the b version. The script also references an “_orig” ndk version which I assume is related to some of the changes I have seen in a blog post.
The last toolchain referenced is the standard toolchain available for the build machine - I assume this toolchain should be a specific minimum glibc version but even that is not documented anywhere that I have seen.

Is there any way the ellcc toolchain as well as the changed ndk be made available to download so that we can build our own installers?

The target of this is to be able to incorporate changes that push the LVM structure of the filesystem. At the moment even though we are able to backup the rootfs that is part of an LVM logical volume, the system is left unbootable.