There was an error. The backup storage is currently not available

I have this error when trying to increase the storage space and sending it to restart.

There was an error. The backup storage is currently not available


Do you use the Infscape Appliance from the Amazon Marketplace?

Are you using the appliance with or without appliance account?

Is the appliance connected to the Internet?

If the appliance is connected to the internet if possible report the problem while uploading log files like this:

Error reporting problem: Connection issue with service

Could you answer the questions please? If the appliance isn’t connected to the Internet it cannot submit issue reports…

Do you use the Infscape Appliance from the Amazon Marketplace?

Are you using the appliance with or without appliance account?

I do not understand this question.

Is the appliance connected to the Internet?

Please go to Settings -> System -> Access server web shell . Login via admin+admin pw then enter

sudo -i
tail -n 100 /var/log/app.log

and have a look at the output. Thanks!

Thank you for uploading the log files!

The problem seems to be caused by this:

2020-04-22 10:25:42: ERROR: EVENT s3_backend Subj: Error during S3 download msg: S3 download of object a58/5a/7_7302 failed. prio: 2 extra: 
2020-04-22 10:25:42: ERROR: Error getting online file 7302. Retrying... Try 86
2020-04-22 10:55:42: WARNING: AWS-Client: Encountered Unknown AWSError
The operation is not valid for the object's storage class:

My guess is you have a s3 lifecycle that cycled objects into Glacier. Now the appliance cannot download objects it needs to get the storage online.