The recovery process is interrupted by 55%

When restoring a PC or virtual machine from a created backup, the recovery process reaches 55%, and then the process is interrupted and the task in the “In progress” menu disappears…
The Backup server is installed on OC Debian 12.
I ask you to help me resolve this issue.
P.S. there are no firewalls or the like.

You should check that the target disk or computer is on and accessible.
Make sure that sleep settings are off and that the notebook adapter is plugged in.

The following steps that have been taken:

  1. the rights to the backup disk are set for full access
  2. Power supply settings are configured, sleep/standby modes are disabled
    When booting from a LiveCD, the server is available, backups are available…
    The most interesting thing is that I deployed UrBackup on Windows, the recovery was successful, but the exchange rate did not exceed 100 MB/s, i.e. it took a very long time to restore from a backup, although no restrictions were set.