Synthetic Backups

I would like to make use of synthetic backups running one full image and then only incremental images until we decide to archive. Its a windows client connecting to a linux server on ubuntu with lvm. I tried to set it up to the best of my knowledge but my client keeps on making full image backups when I choose the incremental image option. Can anyone help me with the server settings? I must have configured something wrong.

I stand corrected. It looks like its doing the full 110GB (ssd) under the server’s activities tab but left a change of about 300mb. I now started another incremental image backup again from the client to check the time and im already past 30 minutes at 39%. A also already enabled the background priority option. My next question being is a incremental image going to take 60 minutes per backup just to check for a 300mb or less difference?

Did a couple of more tests. It seems that without changing any data I still get a 300-400mb difference in incremental image backup. Is this normal?

How can you be sure nothing has changed?
Don;t forget Windows will be making changes to temporary files and swap files etc…
Adding a CBT licence to each client should make the image backups a lot faster…

Ah, totally missed that CBT license. Thanks. BTW the windows page file is already excluded by default together with other temp and appdata folders. The server is saving to lvm at the moment so im not sure if saving to a BTRFS system is going to do decrease that 300MBs more.