I am about to use Urbackup to backup all of our servers.
Before implementing, I am running some tests. Windows seem to work perfectly (except on a server which stores more than a million images, indexing makes this server too slow for days…) but that is not really the problem.
I tested backing up our one of our linux servers and it results in a failed backup. The log files say this (these files stack up in the queue at the 100% en slowly reduce):
Storing file failed -1
Error opening file... "D:\Urbackup\monitoring\140409-1028\.hashes\perl\man\man3\Test::Simple.3pm"
Storing file failed -1
Error opening file... "D:\Urbackup\monitoring\140409-1028\.hashes\perl\man\man3\Test::Tutorial.3pm"
Storing file failed -1
Fatal error during backup. Backup not completed
Transferred 622.44 KB - Average speed: 117.024 KBit/s
FATAL: Backup failed because of disk problems
Backup had errors. Deleting partial backup.
I have deleted the error label and timestamps.
When I turn of Hashing it still fails but only shows the “Storing file failed -1” line.
Is this related to any other disk problems on this forum and how can we fix it?
Kind regards,