Storing file failed -1

I am about to use Urbackup to backup all of our servers.
Before implementing, I am running some tests. Windows seem to work perfectly (except on a server which stores more than a million images, indexing makes this server too slow for days…) but that is not really the problem.
I tested backing up our one of our linux servers and it results in a failed backup. The log files say this (these files stack up in the queue at the 100% en slowly reduce):

Storing file failed -1
Error opening file... "D:\Urbackup\monitoring\140409-1028\.hashes\perl\man\man3\Test::Simple.3pm"
Storing file failed -1
Error opening file... "D:\Urbackup\monitoring\140409-1028\.hashes\perl\man\man3\Test::Tutorial.3pm"
Storing file failed -1
Fatal error during backup. Backup not completed
Transferred 622.44 KB - Average speed: 117.024 KBit/s
FATAL: Backup failed because of disk problems
Backup had errors. Deleting partial backup.

I have deleted the error label and timestamps.
When I turn of Hashing it still fails but only shows the “Storing file failed -1” line.
Is this related to any other disk problems on this forum and how can we fix it?

Kind regards,


Testing on another linux client results in a lot of hardlink errors.

Using 1.3.2, both client and server.

Is it really an error or only a warning? Warnings may occur on Windows because of the quite low hard link limit (But UrBackup tells you why hardlinking failed in this case). Can you copy and paste the log message(s) ?

The disk error is caused by the “:” in the filenames. Linux does allow them while apparently Windows does not. I’m fixing this by replacing them by a placeholder and issueing a warning as it does for filenames > 260 bytes on Windows (yes we had those).