Starting backup failed

I didn’t have any problems earlier but last week urbackup stopped backuping my files. I can’t find any logs and cause of issue. If I try to start backup from server console I receive short information “Starting backup failed”
Please let me know what should I do

Can you post/send any debug log messages? Easiest option is from the “all” live log.

Is the “all” live log the one in the web interface? I think I have the exact same issue as the poster, and nothing shows up in the log at all… this is the last log entry I have:

25.04.15 20:00
Error getting complete file “mEo5oHWJsc6fOvFyuLdb|deranjer/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/HK5ZDHPK.8VE/70P5WRD9.68Z/tele…rols_5803cfa389c90ce7_07dd.0003_none_af7495c532f5b8f9/Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll” from deranjer-PC. Errorcode: TIMEOUT (2)
25.04.15 20:00
Client deranjer-PC went offline.
25.04.15 20:00
Backup failed

After that, nothing, no backups, and the client never shows up as online. I’m fairly certain all the firewall ports are correct, as I can telnet from the backup client to the backup server on port 55415 (which is the backup port correct?) and I receive a response.

I have re-installed the client several times, to no avail. The status on the client never showed connected. I enabled internet, then the client would show “Connected to internet server”, However, when attempting (one the server) to start a file backup, the server said “Starting backup failed”, and did not show the client as connected.

Any ideas?

Le Bump /thread necro

Hi All

I have the exact same issue.

The set up is an i3 running VMWare with a virtual Ubuntu host running urBackup.

Four laptops are backing up to this server. Three of these are doing fine, but my laptop decided all of a sudden to stop backing up, trying to do it from the web interface produces the “starting backup failed” and absolutely no logs (errors/warnings etc) at all.

So I deleted my laptop’s profile on urBackup, renamed my laptop, and created a new profile.

Same error.

Then I uninstalled urBackup, renamed my laptop yet again to a different name, and reinstalled the urBackup software from the web interface.

Now I still get the same error when trying to start the backup from the web interface - but I can right-click on the urBackup icon in the clock area and start a full backup no problem.

It seems that there is a problem with the client on the local PC as it doesn’t like something - but unfortunately without any log files it is hard to tell just what it doesn’t like.



I am having the same issue here. Backups ran fine for several days, nothing has changed, now backups not running and when I try to force any backup i just get an immediate “Starting backup failed.”

I have turned on debug logging on both the client and server and I see no logs about why it has failed. The backup is failing for all of my clients (both Windows and Fedora 23/24). Server is running on CentOS 7.3.1611 with UrBackup 2.0.38 (installed from openSUSE repository).

server log file:

2017-02-01 13:19:48: Starting HTTP-Server on port 55414
2017-02-01 13:19:48: HTTP: Server started up successfully!
2017-02-01 13:19:48: SQLite: recovered 1 frames from WAL file /var/urbackup/backup_server_link_journal.db-wal code: 283
2017-02-01 13:19:48: SQLite: recovered 14 frames from WAL file /var/urbackup/backup_server_settings.db-wal code: 283
2017-02-01 13:19:48: Started UrBackup...
2017-02-01 13:19:48: Removing temporary files...
2017-02-01 13:19:48: Recreating temporary folder...
2017-02-01 13:19:48: Testing if backup destination can handle subvolumes and snapshots...
2017-02-01 13:19:49: Backup destination does handle subvolumes and snapshots. Snapshots enabled.
2017-02-01 13:19:49: Testing if backup destination can handle filesystem transactions...
2017-02-01 13:19:49: Binding to interface p1p1 for broadcasting...
2017-02-01 13:19:49: Broadcasting on interface IP <removed>
2017-02-01 13:19:49: UrBackup Server start up complete.
2017-02-01 13:19:49: Looking for old Sessions... 0 sessions
2017-02-01 13:19:49: Server started up successfully!
2017-02-01 13:20:06: HTTP: No available slots... starting new Worker
2017-02-01 13:20:11: Sending file "/usr/share/urbackup/www/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"
2017-02-01 13:20:11: Sending file: /usr/share/urbackup/www/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf
2017-02-01 13:20:11: Sending file: /usr/share/urbackup/www/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf done

client log file:

2017-02-01 13:18:42: urbackupserver: Server started up successfully!
2017-02-01 13:18:42: FileSrv: Binding UDP socket at port 35622...
2017-02-01 13:18:42: FileSrv: done.
2017-02-01 13:18:42: Started UrBackupClient Backend...
2017-02-01 13:18:42: FileSrv: Servername: -<removed>-
2017-02-01 13:18:42: FileSrv: Server started up successfully
2017-02-01 13:18:42: FileSrv: UDP Thread startet
2017-02-01 13:18:43: Looking for old Sessions... 0 sessions
2017-02-01 13:18:43: Internet mode not enabled
2017-02-01 13:18:43: Final path: /
2017-02-01 13:21:43: Internet mode not enabled
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I am having the same issue.
Server on linux and clients on windows and linux.
/var/log/urbackup.log on server - is clear.
/var/log/urbackupclient.log on client:
2018-01-28 08:47:18: WARNING: Shutting down (Signal 15)
No logs, no error alerts, no support from dev on this thread… :frowning:

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