SQL Server doesn´t backup

My SQL Server Databases are not backing up. There are no errors, simply it doesn´t copy them.
I selectec the SQL Server databases in component config, it appears and I can select them.
I am running the Urbackup Client with administrative account that have privileges to access SQL Server.
I checked that VSS Writers are OK.

Also other components don´t copy too. Only 4 of them are included in the backup.


I can check all of them, but in the backup only includes WMI, IIS components and Task Scheduller.
In the logs there are any error, simply it does not process them.

Any help on this?

SQL Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Client Version: 2.4.12 cbt
Server Version: 2.2.11 Debian with BTRFS

Thank you

I found the solution.
The problem was with the permissions of the Urbackup Client folder. For some reason, the “C:\Program Files\UrBackup\urbackup” folder didn´t have write permissions to the user, so, the XML files that store component configurations didn´t write properly.
After give correct permissions it is working now and backing up all components.
Thank you.

Can you explain a bit more?

I am having the same issue and my folder “C:\Program Files\UrBackup\urbackup” has full rights for administrator account

Check that the account under which is running urbackup client service has administrator privileges also.
Or at least has enought privileges in SQL Server DBs. You can check in security settings in SQL Server Management studio.
I created a dedicated administrator account to use with Urbackup Client in some cases.

Im running into the same problem. Im on Server 2019, with SQL version 2014
Client Version 2.5.25
Server Version 2.5.33

My admin account i’m using for the service account has full write access to the folder, It also has full sysadmin access to the sql instance.

Running same versions on Server 2012 with SQL 2014, and not seeing the issue there.

Anything else to check?