Some 0byte files (mainly exe-files)

I am testing the 2.0.24 (on freenas) and windows 2.0.20 clients and getting some 0bytes files (mainly exe-files and other big files):

What I amm doing wrong?

Thank you.

maybe blocked from a client side virus scanner?

wow, thats fast!
No, no virus scanner.

The backup files are on a windows 2012 server deduplicated storage pool. Maybe that urbackup can not read files which are deduplicated?

could be… try looking into the backup dir itself from explorer if the files are shown there as 0byte too

I think it is the dedup. UrBackup is treating it as special file and only backs up metadata. I will remove that and back it up as normal file again.

It is the same with the explorer.
I had the same error, when I tried a deduped server USB-HD with a windows 10 client, only the undeduped files were readable.

If you backup the System Volume Information folder it should actually restore the file correctly (in theory).

System Volume Information folder doesn’t work, not only because it has 7TB

But the new Beta works, tested it with some small files.
Thank you for the extremly fast support!!

By the way, the Urbackup works from a FreeNas SSD Volume with the jails, the backups are on a raidz with HDs.
I have seen that the database is at the same place where the backups are.
Can I change the database files to the fast SSD volume?

The urbackup folder in the backup storage is a nightly copy of the database+supporting files. You can turn that of in the settings (Nightly database backup).

Okay, I found them in:
Is that true?
By the way the windows client has a 8-core cpu, but urbackup seems to work only with on? Can I change it somewhere?