SOLVED! Question about shutting down and archieving

I want to shutdown my backup server every night automaticly since no clients are online then.

Before I shutdown, i want to query ‘urbackup_srv’ if all the work as archieving and cleaning up is done.
Is there a way to do this?

Another question is, if urbackup_srv can archive to an external USB drive. I found no way in
the web interface to configure that.

Best regards,

With regards to the first question: … 270007.1.4

Archiving to external disks isn’t currently possible. You’ll have to e.g. rsync/duplicity/dar/etc. it manually (for example the /clients folder).

Thanks for the answer,

[quote=“”]With regards to the first question: … 270007.1.4

yup, this answers my first question.

But the ability to archive to an external USB hard drive would be a big improvement for Urbackup server, that should
be added soon by my opinion!

So, i mark this thread as solved.
