[SOLVED] Linux client GUI, where is it?

Where is the Linux client GUI? Everything looks like it installed OK, but I can’t see anything that looks like a GUI. Some Google searches turned up programs urbackup_client_gui and urbackupclientgui - neither of which are installed on my Linux system. So how does one go about accessing the client GUI?

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Just installed it on Mint too :slight_smile

I used the file “Client source for linux”

I think the other one does not come with a GUI.

from the installation instruction:


Start the UrBackup client frontend and setup your paths by executing


and clicking on the tray icon and add paths. You can also do that on the server.

Once you start it, there is a little red icon appearing in your taskbar, barely noticeable unless you really pay attention, you click on it to open the GUI. In my case, I couldn’t make it work, everything seemed frozen, but I was able to use the Server GUI on my Windows machine to set the required paths.

Hope that helps. (btw, I wish there was a .deb package for Debian/Ubuntu…)

I am trying to make one right now. But i have a problem with the prefix, i am trying to contain everything into /opt/urbackup-client/

I did set the prefix in configure, but my understanding is that urbackup still want to put stuff in /usr/local/ (i used strace on the backend process to understand).

Maybe @uroni can give me a hint

I don’t necessarily need a .deb for the client, although I would use one if it existed. But the fact that there is not one to start with makes me wonder about the maturity and long term support prospects for UrBackup. If I’m going to have to compile source for every update, and compile on the different platforms that I run, that does give me pause regarding future support for this software. UrBackup is up to a 2.X.X release now, and still no easy to install client for Linux?

None-the-less, I decided to compile anyway, just to see how it works. I always do non-typical stuff like this in a virtual machine first, so as not to pollute my host OS.

The compile hung the VM. Well, maybe it’s time to forget UrBackup and just use rsync, which is rock solid. Maybe I’ll give UrBackup a few more chances. I have to admit, the server part was trivial to install and is running cleanly, and looks pretty slick.

Here’s where the VM hung (not just the window running the compile - the entire VM):

I have never experienced a compile (or any other operation) hanging a VM. Most likely, it’s not the fault of the compile, maybe the compile is just the victim of what happened. I’ll reboot the VM and try again, and see what happens. But until things compile, install, and run cleanly in the VM - they won’t touch my host OS where I planned to install UrBackup. I realize that after I get the client compiled and installed in the VM, that I will have discovery issues - the UDP packets that the UrBackup server (on a different machine) sends out to discover clients don’t easily transition into the VM (think of a VM as NAT in this instance). My plan for testing was to configure the UrBackup client inside the VM as an "internet client’.

The second compile worked.

I cloned a new VM from the virgin install of the OS before running the compile again. This time it did not hang. I did not expert that UrBackup code could hang a compile, that would hang it’s window, that would hang the OS/VM. I don’t know what went wrong the first time, but starting out from a fresh copy of the virgin OS install in a new VM fixed it.

The compile ran clean. Took a while, there was lots of stuff to compile … I though I was compiling a kernel looking at the complexity of it. Ran “make install | tee make_install.out” to capture output, so I’d know what had been installed and where, for potential manual removal later. Client GUI came up and looked good upon initial perusal (as I went through the various menu choices to check each one out, it did prompt me to authenticate several times).

Now I can get on with my original task - to test how the backups work.

Thanks for the replies and suggestions on getting this GUI up and running!