Slow LAN transfer speed when restoring backup image - is there a fix?

I’ve been testing a full image restore to a laptop with a wired connection via a switch to the UrBackup server (installed as a docker instance on Unraid) using the recovery ISO flashed to a USB stick.

With both the GUI and Text interfaces, it finds the server and allows me to select the client and image (VHD, uncompressed) to restore without problems however the transfer speeds are less than 70Mbit/s. There is little other network activity, the drive that the image is saved on is capable of 130MB/s and the LAN is gigabit and I can see from the debian network information that it has negotiated as gigabit (it sometimes negotiates as 100Mbit).

Has anyone else had this problem and were able to fix it?

I saw this developer blog post from 2021 stating the transfer speeds need fixing, when will this be done?

May you want to check with atop to see if you’re harddisk or your urbackup server is the bottleneck - execute on server.

Might also be a broken cable. Have you tried another one?

Have you found out how to increase restore speed?