Server don't see some PCs

Hi, I was installing the server for testing purposes and I also installed the client server in a few PCs and server.
I finished the tests and all seemed to be fine, then I made a big mistake; I wanted to clean up the server so, I re-installed it, but then the client stopped connecting to the server. Obviously, it happened because the server identity changed. So, I re-installed the client in the PCs and now some clients can’t be seen in the server. When I restarted de service Urbackup in the server, sometimes the interface showed a message “The server is updating de internal database…etc…” Current version: 0 target version: 0.
After a while, I tried again and to see if the message continued, so I restarted the service again and some new clients appeared but others were still unseen.

Any sugestion? are there any cleanup processes to do in the client to reinstall it?
Thanks for your time.

Hi, first of all you can see the clients which rejected the server if you click on “status details”.

The the way to solve it is probably uninstalling the client, waiting about 5min till you cannot see the client on the server anymore, and then reinstalling the client.

Uninstalling is important because the server identities are not deleted if you simply install a new version over it. The waiting is necessary because the server checks once if the client accepts it, and if not does not check again as long as the client stays online. If you reinstall to fast the server does not think it went offline.

Hi Martin, i follow yor instructions and it works in some PCs, but still fail in other. After reinstall, the icon of the client still in red color, if i do right click in the icon show the options of full file backup, etc, if i select one, the backups is performed, but the backup never done automatically and the icon never go white.
I left you a print screen of the web admin of my server and the client icon on the server itself. Let me know what you think and what I should do.

Direct link for the images

I forgot, when i uninstall a client, in the server still show it online even after a several minutes, i must restart the Urbackup Service on the server, and then the client appears off line.
And once the service is restarted, the most times appears this

I must restart the service again to access in the webadmin

This is the timeout (that’s why you can also wait 5min). That it shows the upgrade info after restart is weird. Does it also appear, if you wait a few seconds before accessing the web interface?

On one of the screenshots I see a backup window that currently is not handled correctly: 1-7/17-07 . Can you change this to 1-7/7-17, and see if it works then?

Thanks for the quick response Martin, about your questions, today i unistalled a client and i wait more than 10 minutes and the client still show online on the server, i will try to uninstall tomorrow morning and check it at afternoon and see what happens.
The message after restart: seems to be appear if the service is restarted with the admin interface open.
The backup windows: i want the backup will be do it in the night, between 19:00 and 6:00, however a try changing the order of time in the backup window in 2 PCs here in my office just a few minutes ago, i put 1-7/17:10-00 and nothing happens (on that 2 PCs neither start the backup automatically)
In the two scenarios the Urbackup server runs in Windows 2008 Server, one of the servers had the firewall up and in the other the firewall is down, but both have the same fail
I hope you can understand my poor poor English :-P every post takes me half hour to make it. If you need more details of the configuration, let me know

That’s weird and it’s not doing anything (status is ok)?

Didn’t think of that. This is definitly a bug then. I think that window is the reason it won’t start. Try a window like 1-7/17:10-23:59 or 1-7/17:10-23:59,00:00-07:00
The bug is that the window won’t work if the starting time is smaller than the ending time.

I’ve probably fixed it here now:

Hi Martin, sorry about delay, i’m very bussy this month, the upgrade work great. Thank you very much.
I keep testing and using urbackup and post any sugestion o trouble.
Thanks again