Server cannot back up one client


I’ve set up Urbackup to back up my linux clients and linux servers. Almost everything works flawlessly. One of the servers, however, has some issues.

My set up is a bit special because the server that should be backed up is also running the nginx reverse proxy for urbackup.

The server also has a physical and a virtual network interface in two different VLANs.

Debian Buster
Physical (untagged) network interface:
Virtual (tagged) interface: (just informational, should be irrelevant in this regard)
Proxies ports 55414 and 55413 to urbackup server.

Nginx config (left out irrelevant parts and my domain name):

server {
        listen ssl http2;
        location / {
                proxy_pass; #This is the urbackup server

                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_connect_timeout 3600;
                proxy_send_timeout 3600;
                proxy_read_timeout 3600;
                send_timeout 3600;
                proxy_request_buffering off;
                proxy_buffering off;
        location /x {
                include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;

                fastcgi_pass; #Also the urbackup server

        ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/;
        #include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; 
        ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;
        ssl_ecdh_curve secp384r1; # Requires nginx >= 1.1.0

        include /etc/nginx/conf.d/;

nftables on the server to be backed up:

Since this wasn’t working correctly i basically tried to completely except the urbackup server but it didn’t really work. That’s why there is this outgoing exception and the exception for the address.

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

flush ruleset

table inet filter {
        set tcp_accepted {
                type inet_service; flags interval;
                elements = {
                        35621, #Urbackup
                        35623, #Urbackup
        set udp_accepted {
                type inet_service; flags interval;
                elements = {
                        35622, #Urbackup
        chain base_checks {
                # allow established/related connections
                ct state {established, related} accept

                # early drop of invalid connections
                ct state invalid drop
        chain input { #This chain serves as a dispatcher
                type filter hook input priority 0;

                jump base_checks

                #allow from localhost
                ip saddr accept

                #allow from loopback
                iifname lo accept

                #allow from mnemosyne (backup)
                ip saddr accept

                #check from which VLAN it came in and apply different rules
                iifname enp1s0 jump input_enp1s0 #for internal traffic
                iifname enp1s0.2 jump input_enp1s0.2 #for DMZ traffic

                # allow icmp
                ip protocol icmp icmp type { echo-request, echo-reply, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, destination-unreachable } accept
                ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type { echo-request, echo-reply, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, nd-router-advert, nd-router-solicit, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, mld-listener-query } accept

                # count and drop any other traffic
                counter drop

        chain input_enp1s0 {

                #allowed ports tcp (see tcp_accepted)
                tcp dport @tcp_accepted accept

                #allowed ports udp (see udp accepted)
                udp dport @udp_accepted accept

        chain input_enp1s0.2 {

                #allow http/https in dmz
                tcp dport { 80, 443 } accept

        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority 0;
                policy accept;
        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority 0;
                udp dport 35623 accept;
                policy accept;

The urbackup client logfiles

2021-01-05 08:57:23: WARNING: Shutting down (Signal 15)
2021-01-05 08:57:23: ERROR: urbackupserver: Failed binding ipv6 socket to port 35623. Another i
nstance of this application may already be active and bound to this port.

There is no IPv6 active on this server so this shouldn’t be an issue.

Here is also the nftables of the backupserver:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
flush ruleset

table inet filter {
        set tcp_accepted {
                type inet_service; flags interval;
                elements = {
                        55415, # internet clients
        set udp_accepted {
                type inet_service; flags interval;
                elements = {
        chain base_checks {
                # allow established/related connections
                ct state {established, related} accept

                # early drop of invalid connections
                ct state invalid drop
        chain input { 
                type filter hook input priority 0;

                jump base_checks

                #allow from localhost
                ip saddr accept
                iifname lo accept

                #allowed ports tcp (see tcp_accepted)
                tcp dport @tcp_accepted accept
                #allow proxying from atlas
                ip saddr tcp dport { 55413, 55414 } accept

                #allowed ports udp (see udp accepted)
                udp dport @udp_accepted accept

                # allow icmp
                ip protocol icmp icmp type { echo-request, echo-reply, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, destination-unreachable } accept
                ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type { echo-request, echo-reply, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, nd-router-advert, nd-router-solicit, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, mld-listener-query } accept

                # count and drop any other traffic
                counter drop


        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority 0;
                policy accept;
        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority 0;
                policy accept;

The urbackup server didn’t even find the client in the first place. I had to add it as an internet / NAT client. Then it shows online but when you try to start a backup it queues the backup and then fails with this log on the server side:

2021-01-05 09:01:46: ERROR: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed: Sending version to client failed
2021-01-05 09:01:56: WARNING: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed: Sending logdata to client failed
2021-01-05 09:02:06: WARNING: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed: Sending logdata to client failed
2021-01-05 09:02:16: WARNING: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed: Sending logdata to client failed
2021-01-05 09:02:26: WARNING: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed: Sending logdata to client failed
2021-01-05 09:02:36: ERROR: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed - CONNECT error during filelist construction
2021-01-05 09:02:46: ERROR: Backup had an early error. Deleting partial backup.
2021-01-05 09:04:06: ERROR: Connecting to ClientService of "" failed: Error sending client access key
2021-01-05 09:04:06: WARNING: Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 40m before next file backup

There is no log on the client.

Thank you all in advance for your help.


What IP of the UrBackup server?

Hey Dmitrius

The IP is

As I understand server, client
They are in the same sub-network.

You don’t need to use internet backup.

UrBackup server discovers clients only in the same sub-network. Server sends UDP broadcasts for discovery by 35623 udp. Broadcast messages from UrBackup server goes only in same sub-network. Client listen it and answers.

Documentation: 5 Client discovery in local area networks

Check that 10.3 Used network ports ports are allowed at the FW. At the server and client.
I think the problem in this.

I think it doesn’t matter and shouldn’t affect the backup process. Because you are proxying the web ports and they are not associated with the ports used for the backup.

Yes you understand correctly.

I know that I don’t have to use internet backup (because it works with the other clients and they get discovered immediately) but it somehow doesn’t discover this particular client.

Since the client has two interfaces, is it possible the urbackup client binds to the wrong interface? Because that was the reason why I tried internet Backup in the first place since I couldn’t figure out how to bind the client to a specific interface.

I re-checked my nftables config and it seems to be correct but I will disable nftables for the test and see what happens.

Okay it worked immediately with nftables disabled. Now I have to figure out where my config went wrong.

Alright I just allowed all traffic from and to the urbackup server and will now test and try to close this down a bit until I get my config right. But you were a great help, thank you very much Dmitrius

No by default client listen all interfaces. And answers on that interface which get request from server (I mean local backup).

You are welcome!!