Server and Clients cant find each other

I have a UrBackup server running in docker with this setup:

    image: uroni/urbackup-server
    container_name: urbackup-server-1
    network_mode: "host"  # <-- Use host network mode
      - "55413-55415:55413-55415"
      - "35623:35623/udp"
      - /NAS/UrBackup/backups:/backups
      - /NAS/UrBackup/database:/var/urbackup
    restart: unless-stopped
      - PGID=1000
      - UID=1000
      - TZ=America/New_York

But when adding any devices, it keeps saying theyre waiting for the server, but the server never finds them or the client doesnt hear the broadcasts.

It’s on In the logs I see:

2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv4 interface eno1 addr
2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv4 interface docker0 addr
2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv4 interface br-b64803fb8635 addr
2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv6 interface eno1 addr fe80::dacb:8aff:fe5f:7c9
2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv6 interface docker0 addr fe80::42:5ff:feea:f205
2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv6 interface br-b64803fb8635 addr fe80::42:f0ff:fef3:5e67
2024-12-20 19:49:47: Broadcasting on ipv6 interface veth6f26af0 addr fe80::f8b1:ccff:fe26:a772

So it should be broadcasting.

On the settings I have:

No luck. Anyone ever set up a UrBackup server on docker before?

It was the Windows firewall blocking the multicast. Solution:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Ports 35621-35623 Inbound" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=35621-35623
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Ports 35621-35623 Inbound UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=35621-35623
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Ports 35621-35623 Outbound" dir=out action=allow protocol=TCP localport=35621-35623
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Ports 35621-35623 Outbound UDP" dir=out action=allow protocol=UDP localport=35621-35623

in an admin command prompt. Damn it.

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