Server 1.4.7 Query status


is there a way to query urbackup server on linux for status, like what is it doing right now.

For example this happened a few times to me… it is backing up right now 2 clients… it is working slowly…but working. I set another backup manually nothing happens. Concurent backup limit is 4.

THere is nothing in log file…it would be great if I could query the server…hey server what are you doing right now… why is it not responding to my queries…

Thank you

Anyone got urbackup 1.4.7 running with ZFS, compression enabled succesfully ?

I have no idea what it does… it starts to backup… it works for a while, then it’s not responding. Server is running, but I cannot start anything manually… then I restart urbackup-Server and it works again for a while…

In the log file I see no error…

Is this a known bug ?

Thank you


I switched back to EXT4 , I don’t know what is wrong with ZFS, since in the LOG files even with debug there is absolutely no info to help me.

With EXT4 it is working.

ZFS my system is a dual core system used for backup only avarage load 2.0 - 3.0 , I guess urBackup times out or something, but does not report back any error. It is not properly querying the clients… and it just sits idle after a while.

Anyone got it working with ZFS Compression ON, DEDUP off.

Thank you.


It must be some sorta timeout issue, right now since I am backing up 5 Clients at once again from start. UrBackup Server is doing the backup. There are two free Slots , but if I click do full Image backup for host, nothing happens… I dont see anything it the log files as well. It is not obeying , why ?
