Sending Settings to Client Failed

Testing out UrBackup. Changed some settings for clients, receive error “Sending Settings to Client Failed” for my only client. This client’s settings wont change from what I was using for testing.

Suggestions? Server is Windows7, Client Windows7. Domain environment so firewalls are disabled on both.

Maybe the client was busy? Right after it starts it indexes some stuff…

Anyway at some point they should propagate to the client…

Added 2 more clients. They do the same thing.

Was hoping for a replacement for BackupPC, but this isn’t working out as I had planned.

Also, is there no way to stop a backup once it has started?

Backups can be stopped from the Server side web interface. http://~hostname/IP~:55414 Go udner activities tab and choose stop on the right side of the table. Depending on what stage the backup is in it can take a few minutes to stop.