Sending hashdata failed

What’s the best way to troubleshoot and fix this error?

UrBackup just did an incremental image backup of “exchange”.

( 4 infos, 1 warning, 2 errors )

2014-10-15 05:58:54(info): Starting incremental image backup…
2014-10-15 05:58:54(info): Request of SYSVOL failed. Reason: Opening filesystem on device failed. Stopping… This probably just means the Computer does not have a “System restore” volume which UrBackup can backup.
2014-10-15 05:58:54(info): Transferred 143 bytes - Average speed: 1.144 MBit/s
2014-10-15 05:58:54(error): Sending hashdata failed
2014-10-15 05:58:55(info): Time taken for creating image of client exchange: 1s
2014-10-15 05:58:55(error): Backup failed
2014-10-15 05:58:55(warning): Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 2h 40m before next image backup

There are probably more error messages in the client-side log file (See ). If not you could enable debug logging there.

Here’s the client side debug info for that backup:

2014-10-15 05:58:54: ERROR: Error creating temporary file
2014-10-15 05:58:54: ERROR: Error creating temporary file in CMD_INCR_IMAGE
2014-10-15 05:58:54: WARNING: Restarting shadow copy of C:\ because it was started by this server
2014-10-15 05:58:57: WARNING: Writer Microsoft Exchange Writer has failure state VSS_WS_STABLE with error VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE. UrBackup will continue with the backup but the associated data may not be consistent.
2014-10-15 05:59:12: WARNING: Snapshotting failed because of Writer. Retrying in 30s…
2014-10-15 05:59:58: WARNING: Snapshotting failed because of Writer. Retrying in 30s…
2014-10-15 06:00:43: WARNING: Writer Microsoft Exchange Writer has failure state VSS_WS_WAITING_FOR_BACKUP_COMPLETE with error VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE. UrBackup will continue with the backup but the associated data may not be consistent.
2014-10-15 06:00:43: WARNING: Writer is in error state during snapshot creation. Writer data may not be consistent. This means the files open by this application (e.g. databases) will be backed up in a crash consistent state instead of a properly shutdown state. Properly written applications can recover from system crashes or power failures.

That’s the relevant error. Can you check if there is something amiss there? Normally it creates the folder C:\Windows\Temp\urbackup_client_tmp on startup and then puts the temporary files there. Maybe it got deleted?

Aha! I had another machine fail in the same way last night and I just checked and indeed the folder was missing. I had just cleaned up the machine with Ccleaner yesterday and it deleted temp files. That would explain what is going on.

Sometimes trying to keep machines in tip top shape can work against you I guess.

Thank you Martin.

Well clearly UrBackup should recreate that directory. Will be fixed.

Awesome, thank you Martin. You Rock!
