Restore occurs, but is stuck waiting for more data from server

The client is able to restore successfully, because when I restart the PC everything goes well.

But the recovery application doesn’t notice and keeps waiting indefinitely for something on the restore Disk.

From root/restore_client.log
2023-11-16 09:35:22: ClientService cmd: DOWNLOAD IMAGE#pw=8wfpcQqYY9Jv1tgnY9rojkaKrYv&img_id=1002142975&time=1699976461&mbr=false&offset=82718633984&received_bytes=48741773312
2023-11-16 09:35:22: Downloading image…
2023-11-16 09:35:22: Waiting for pings…
2023-11-16 09:35:22: done. (Waiting for pings)
2023-11-16 09:35:22: In mutex…
2023-11-16 09:35:22: Downloading from channel 0
2023-11-16 09:35:22: ClientService cmd: #I8U0MTNNShxl49JIQwJfq#1CHANNEL capa=139039&token=ai7P2hdszte3BDO04JxD&restore_version=1&startup=1&virtual_client=
2023-11-16 09:35:22: Imagesize 253672553984
2023-11-16 09:35:22: Used bytes 253673078784
2023-11-16 09:35:22: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2023-11-16 09:35:22: ClientService cmd: STATUS DETAIL#pw=8wfpcQqYY9Jv1tgnY9rojkaKrYv

from root/restore_http.log
2023-11-16 11:16:49: Starting HTTP-Server on port 80
2023-11-16 11:16:49: HTTP: Server started up successfully!
2023-11-16 11:16:49: ERROR: Error loading clouddriveplugin
2023-11-16 11:16:49: Started UrBackup Restore HTTP backend…
2023-11-16 11:16:49: WARNING: AWS-Client: Retry Strategy will use the default max attempts.
2023-11-16 11:16:49: WARNING: AWS-Client: SDK was built without an Http implementation, default http client factory can’t create an Http client instance.
2023-11-16 11:16:49: Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
2023-11-16 11:17:01: HTTP: No available slots… starting new Worker
2023-11-16 11:17:01: Sending file “restorewww”
2023-11-16 11:17:01: Sending file: restorewww/index.html
2023-11-16 11:17:01: Sending file: restorewww/index.html done
2023-11-16 11:17:02: HTTP: No available slots… starting new Worker
2023-11-16 11:17:02: HTTP: No available slots… starting new Worker
2023-11-16 11:17:02: HTTP: No available slots… starting new Worker
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file “restorewww/static/css/2.81b0985c.chunk.css”
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file “restorewww/static/css/main.956e50c6.chunk.css”
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file “restorewww/static/js/2.bb4b97c8.chunk.js”
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file “restorewww/static/js/main.fa17d31b.chunk.js”
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/js/2.bb4b97c8.chunk.js
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/css/2.81b0985c.chunk.css
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/js/main.fa17d31b.chunk.js
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/css/main.956e50c6.chunk.css
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/css/main.956e50c6.chunk.css done
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/js/main.fa17d31b.chunk.js done
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/css/2.81b0985c.chunk.css done
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/static/js/2.bb4b97c8.chunk.js done
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file “restorewww/favicon.ico”
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/favicon.ico
2023-11-16 11:17:02: Sending file: restorewww/favicon.ico done
2023-11-16 08:18:56: Login Response: err
2023-11-16 08:18:56: ERROR: Error during login: err
2023-11-16 08:19:06: Salt Response: ok;QztXgr9cWo1tJN9FgBRdIOiMNKBCtsPrxHMfMUCzTDTefB3BCH;sqRS4xbGzF;10000
2023-11-16 08:19:06: Login Response: ok
2023-11-16 08:19:24: Start_download: id = “1002142975” time = “1699976461”
2023-11-16 08:19:24: Restoring to /tmp/cps.hO9wIp
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Writing MBR data…
2023-11-16 08:19:25: done.
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Writing GPT header…
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Writing GPT table…
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Writing GPT backup header…
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Writing GPT backup table…
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Start_download: id = “1002142975” time = “1699976461”
2023-11-16 08:19:25: Restoring to /tmp/cps.18Pipm
2023-11-16 08:19:26: Selected device: /dev/nvme0n1 Partition: 3
2023-11-16 08:19:26: Partition path: /dev/nvme0n1p3
2023-11-16 08:19:27: Start_download: id = “1002142975” time = “1699976461”
2023-11-16 08:19:27: Restoring to /dev/nvme0n1p3
2023-11-16 08:35:17: WARNING: Read Timeout: Retrying
2023-11-16 08:35:20: WARNING: Read Timeout: Retrying -1
2023-11-16 08:35:50: Restoring to /dev/nvme0n1p3
2023-11-16 08:38:50: WARNING: Read Timeout: Retrying
2023-11-16 08:38:50: ERROR: Read Timeout.
2023-11-16 08:39:20: Restoring to /dev/nvme0n1p3
2023-11-16 08:42:20: WARNING: Read Timeout: Retrying
2023-11-16 08:42:20: ERROR: Read Timeout.
2023-11-16 08:42:50: Restoring to /dev/nvme0n1p3
2023-11-16 08:45:50: WARNING: Read Timeout: Retrying
2023-11-16 08:45:50: ERROR: Read Timeout.
2023-11-16 08:46:20: Restoring to /dev/nvme0n1p3
2023-11-16 08:46:50: Looking for old Sessions… 0 sessions
2023-11-16 08:49:20: WARNING: Read Timeout: Retrying
2023-11-16 08:49:20: ERROR: Read Timeout.

On the server:
Last activities

ID Computer name Action Details Starting time Required time Used Storage
44 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:45 0 min -
43 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:42 0 min -
42 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:38 0 min -
41 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:35 0 min -
40 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:31 0 min -
39 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:28 0 min -
38 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:24 0 min -
37 N31 Image restore Volume: C: 11/16/23 12:21 13 min -

Probably a data corruption. I ran the bat cleanup, redid the database, removed unlinked files, and rebuilt the backup files. It worked. But it could well have a warning or error code as a suggestion. See you.